Egyptian actress Riham Abdel Ghafour is very angry at rumours that she and her husband have divorced. \"I\'m very angry about this, it is totally untrue. I love my husband very much...we actually got married after a seven-year courtship!\" said the star. Ghafour also said she is yet to decide on performing in a TV series for Ramadan. The actress recently finished filming her movie \"Lahzet Daaf\" ( A Weak Moment) with star Mostafa Kamar. The film was written by Ahmed Al-Bei and directed by Mohammed Hamdi. Riham said: \"I\'m playing an actress who is filming a movie, but amid the filming, a murder takes place so all the cast and crew are suspects.\" \"This is the first thriller by writer Ahmed Al-Bei, while this is my second film with Mostafa Kamar after \'Harim Karim\'. I think Mostafa has a great personality, and very comfortable to work with,\" said Ghafour. When asked about the movie\'s release date, Riham answered: \"Actually I don\'t know, this is decided by the producer, but I think the film should be ready for a summer release.\" Riham said: \"I\'m yet to decide on any Ramadan series, but I was very happy about winning the best actress award for the shows \'Dear Guest\' and \'Wadi Al-Molouk\'.\"