Tunisian actress Layal Tobal

Tunisian actress Layal Tobal said that science is scared, while there are other sanctities that should not be violated, including freedoms. She added that the freedoms have been gained and will not be negotiated. She added that there are issues that should be discussed in Tunisia to be resolved, while freedoms are a major part of the rights of Tunisian people.

She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the Tunisian government created and fueled the fears in the hearts of Tunisian people to distract their attention from the serious problems. She added that they worked to divide the Tunisian people. She stressed that they did not provide any evidence to the Tunisian people over the sincerity of their intentions.

She added the stolen money of the Tunisian people have not been restored, while those people who killed the martyrs have not been held accountable. She added that they also failed to achieve any economic growth. However, they focus on dividing the positions and quotas of the government to achieve their personal gains at the expense of the Tunisian people. She warned that there are clear indications that the country is scheduled to witness a new kind of dictatorship.

She added that the creators should perform a major role in the Tunisian community during the coming period, saying that they should work to build a balanced community. She stressed that those creators work to perform a major role to express the problems of the Tunisian citizens. She added that the personal freedoms should not be violated with the support of the artists and creators.

She stressed that the revolution have not ended yet, saying that there are a large number of issues that should be discussed and reformed to achieve the interests of the Tunisian people. She added that it is not an easy job to eliminate corruption, while the Tunisian people demand the government to take serious step to achieve this objective.

She added that the Tunisian theatre will resume its role to express the problems of Tunisian people, saying that the theatre will keep its revolutionary nature. She stressed that the theatre does not need governmental decisions or proposals to defend its presence. Even if the government stopped its work, she said, the theatre would resume its role.