Egypt is undergoing a popular revolution

Lead anchor of Egypt’s al Hayat TV, Sherif Amer told Arab Today that he was very proud of the June 30 demonstrations, which managed to overthrow the ruling regime without committing any acts of violence. He stated: “The people of Egypt came out to say \'no\' to the system in a peaceful manner and the Egyptian army embraced the demands of the majority to stop the bloodshed.” He criticised the Muslim Brotherhood demonstrations calling them “far from peaceful.” Amer commended the military and the police for controlling the situation, stating: “I am not against demonstrations in support of Morsi, it is the right of any person to express his opinion freely, but I am against violence. Why does the Brotherhood do this, all this for fear of being imprisoned again? We are Egyptians, first and foremost and I want only what\'s good for one another.” He added that the US would support Mohammed Morsi and the Brotherhood because it was in their interest saying that the US “fears any president who does not achieve its interests\" adding, \"This is not a military coup, it is a ‘popular revolution’ which is clear to everyone.” Amer contended that he made an effort to be neutral while reporting on recent developments in Egypt. He stated that he hosted Dr Safwat Hegazy, the Secretary General of the Revolution’s Board of Trustees, despite the increasing criticism directed against him. Amer said: “Many have criticised my performance for being too neutral in dealing with different events. Especially when covering the recent developments in the country. It is a distinguished media presenter who can cover events without prejudice and bias and a commitment to neutrality.” Commenting on Hegazy’s refusal to listen to other points of view, Amer explained: “I tried to convince him to hear out other opinions and allow other parties to express their views, while he insisted on leaving the studio. Many people criticised me for hosting Hegazy, but I hosted him to present different viewpoints.”