Bill on social security meant to update national social security system
Algerian Minister Mohamed al-Ghazi

Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Mohamed El Ghazi, said Sunday that draft the bill on social security is meant to update and improve the national social security system.
El Ghazi, who presented the bill on social insurance at a plenary session of the National People's Assembly (Lower House), said this bill is meant to update, improve and adapt the national social security system to new data in the legal field in order to "promote the quality of services."
The bill also aims to at expanding the social security coverage to insured categories based or having training abroad, the minister added.
Besides, El Ghazi stated members of parliament representing the national community abroad and personal working abroad under educational, cultural and religious supervision (imams) are among the beneficiaries of the new provisions
 The bill on social security provides for the updating of the provisions of Article 84 to mention all the insured categories based or having raining abroad as beneficiaries of the services of the National Social Security Fund for Salaried Workers (CNAS).
The proposed changes to the project are meant to provide social security coverage to members of parliament representing the national community abroad and their dependents in the country of representation.
Source: APS