President of the Union of Egyptian Workers Jabali Al Maraghi

President of the Union of Egyptian Workers Jabali Al Maraghi said that participation of President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi in marking the Labor Day is a good gesture for his part, which confirms his stand by the workers of Egypt and his emphasis on their role in building the country. He added that the president was keen to honor ten veteran members of the union by granting them Labor Medal of First Class.
Regarding the allowance, he said, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the special allowance, which is set at 10% of the wage which is between LE 65 and LE 120, paid retroactively from July 2016 to all government employees and state-owned companies not addressed by the Civil Service Law No. 81 of 2016.
He added that the Labor Union will request a tripartite meeting at the Ministry of Manpower and in the presence of representatives of business owners to conclude a work agreement that will set rules for the payment of the 10% bonus for the workers of the private sector.
He pointed out that he called on the government not to combine the special allowance and the periodic allowance of 7%, for the benefit of workers in the state to meet the economic conditions in the current period.
Maraghi, who serves as a member of Egypt’s parliament, added that the House of Representatives considers currently the new labor law, saying that it will be applied to private sector employees. He added that the new law sets rules to protect the workers and to keep the rights of employers.
He added that the new law will activate the social dialogue between the two parties in the settlement of disputes, and will establish labor courts to resolve the labor cases offered and which continues for years. He added that it will preserve the rights of workers and prevents arbitrary dismissal, so as to achieve security and prevent arbitrary dismissal.
He pointed out that the Labor Committee of the House of Representatives will begin to organize a community dialogue to discuss the draft law with the participation of the three parties, before taking any step to pass the law.