Moroccan Workers’ Syndicate head rebukes governmental policies

The Moroccan working class, as a whole, celebrates the Labor day this year, as they mark its ongoing struggle for dignity, freedom and social justice through strikes, marches and demonstrations.
Secretary General of the Moroccan Union of Labor Melody Mokhariq said, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the national day is considered an exceptional day marked by the working class this year in tense atmosphere on the social side due to the political irresponsibility of the former government regarding the social dialogue.
He blamed the government for its failure to pass a number of social laws or to take political decisions to resolve a number of social issues related to the working class. He stressed the need for passing the retirement law which was one of the most controversial issues between the union and Bankiran government.
He added that the day will witness a large number of protests against the economic and social policies adopted by the government, saying that the union is a social power which is strongly represented in all over the Moroccan community.
He expressed his refusal to the governmental statement issued by Prime Minister Saad Al Din Al Othmani, saying that it does not raise optimism over the social issues witnessed in the country. He called the government for formulating new policies, blaming the government for not adopting a clear program to increase the skills of workers in the country.
He added that the meeting he held with the prime minister, saying that it was to congratulate him for taking the position, saying that they have not taken any decision to improve the situation of Moroccan workers. He stressed the need for reviewing the laws, calling it for withdrawing the retirement law. He stressed the need for respecting the syndicate’s freedom and to conduct a social dialogue as soon as possible to resolve the workers’ problems.