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African Union Mission to Somalia(AMISOM) troops backed by Somalia National Army (SNA) killed three Al-Shabaab militants in Adan Yabaal town in Middle Shabelle region in central Somalia on Sunday.

District Commissioner of Adan Yabaal, Mohamud Sheikh Hassan said the joint forces pursued the three militants who had secretly entered the town and shot them dead.

"The joint forces shot dead the three militants at a checkpoint in the town, residents informed the SNA and AMISOM that the three Al-Shabaab fighters got into the town secretly and the forces took action against them immediately," Hassan said.

He said the militants were armed and had planed to carry out attack in the town before the joint forces moved in swiftly and killed them.

The joint forces have intensified their onslaught on the insurgents fighting the government and recaptured several towns from the militant group earlier this month.

Source: XINHUA