Taliban insurgents

At least 37 insurgents have been killed in separate military operations in past 24 hours, Ministries of Defense and Interior said on Tuesday.
A statement issued by the Afghan Ministry of Interior on Tuesday states that 24 insurgents were killed in separate police operations in Nangarhar, Takhar, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Sar-e-Pul, Balkh, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Maidan Wardak, Paktiya, Herat, Farah and Helmand provinces in past 24 hours.
The same statement adds that 40 others insurgents were also injured and two others arrested by the security forces, according to the Afghan (Khaama Press).
The statement further states that 26 different types of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) placed by insurgents, were also defused by the security forces.
Afghan National Army and personnel from the National Directorate of Security (NDS) personnel also took part in these operations, according to the statement.
In the meantime, statement issued from the Defense Ministry states that the Operation Zulfiqar which is started in Helmand province is ongoing successful.
According to the statement, 13 insurgents were killed in fresh military actions during Operation Zulfiqar in Trikh Nawar area of Nawa District.
The statement adds that five other insurgents were also wounded during confrontations with Afghan National Army.
Operation Zulfiqar began by hundreds of Afghan Security Forces over a week ago in Helmand Province but is tended to spread to other provinces in the south after clearing the target areas in Helmand.