616 Palestinians Detained by Israel

Israeli authorities detained at least 616 Palestinians, including 140 children, and  18 women, during February 2016 alone, revealed a joint report.

Addameer human rights, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS), and the Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs’ Commission, said over 4120 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli authorities since the onset of violence in early October 2015.

The highest detention rate was recorded in Jerusalem, with at least 158 Palestinians detained, followed by Hebron, where 125 detention cases were documented. It explained that 70 people were detained in Nablus, 68 in Ramallah and al-Bireh district, 65 in Jenin, 58 in Bethlehem, 31 in Tulkarem, 22 in Gaza, 13 in Jericho, 11 in Salfit, 10 in Qalqilia, and five in Tubas.

The report noted at least 161 administrative detention orders were issued during the reporting period, including 92 new orders.

It said the number of Palestinian minors incarcerated in Israeli jails reached 400, whereas the number of female detainees reached 62, including 14 female minors. The number of sick detainees reached 700, said the report.

Source: WAFA