Israel force attack

The British Government’s drive to prevent councils from not buying Israeli goods and services might have some credibility if it was also taking action against the systematic and decades-long Israeli violations of international law. Boycott, divest, sanctions campaigns exist because the Government has done nothing to stop illegal settlements, theft of Palestinian land and resources, home demolitions and forceful transfer. The policy should be to insist councils and public do not buy settlement goods as even the Government declares them to be illegal. 

It is a disgrace that the Government smears and criminalises those who decide through choice not to buy certain products but do nothing about those actually committing serious crimes, even war crimes. The Government has done nothing to stop trade in settlement goods which is trade in proceeds of crime, from land that belongs to another people, in a project designed to destroy any chances for peace. 

End this illicit trade and stop selling arms to Israel and regimes with appalling human rights records. Then ministers might have some standing to tell the British public what they should or should not buy. Otherwise do not expect decent members of the British public to do nothing while international law is breached on a daily basis.