Children injured and dozens suffer teargas

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday 11 March, attacked the weekly nonviolent protest against the apartheid Wall and the illegal Israeli settlements, in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, and the weekly nonviolent protest in Al-Nabi Saleh village, causing dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation on both demonstrations.

In Bil’in village, the weekly nonviolent protest started from the center of the village, when locals and international peace activists marched towards the villagers’ orchards.

They chanted for the liberation of Palestine by ending the illegal Israeli occupation.

The Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Bil’in reported that the Israeli soldiers fired many gas bombs and rubber-coated steel bullets at the protesters. Many suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Abdullah Abu Rahma, coordinator PSCC speaking to a local media press, denounced the Israeli invasion and damage of Palestine News Agency, in Ramallah, furthermore the military order to shut it down.

Abu Rahma added that such violations aim at silencing Palestinians media agencies and journalists in an attempt to stop them from exposing Israel’s crimes and violations against the Palestinian population.

In February this year, Bil’in village celebrated the 11th anniversary of ongoing popular, nonviolent struggle against the construction of the illegal apartheid wall, illegal settlements and the escalating Israeli violations against the Palestinian population.

In Al-Nabi Saleh village, during the weekly nonviolent protest against the apartheid wall and the illegal Israeli settlements, Israeli soldiers shot and injured two Palestinian children besides firing tear gas bombs at the protesters, causing dozens of them to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

According to local medical sources, the Israeli soldiers shot Mohammad Naji Tamimi, 9, with a gas bomb on his abdomen. He was quickly moved to a local hospital.

Source: PNN