Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi

Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi said that Iranian parliamentarians and nuclear negotiators are having good cooperation to defend the country's rights and dignity in talks with the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany).
Qashqavi said on Sunday that meetings between Iranian nuclear negotiators and parliamentarians have been aimed at briefing the lawmakers with the details of Iran-powers talks.
The 10th round of negotiations between Iran and the six world powers was held in Vienna from November 18 to 24, where the seven nations decided to extend the talks until July after they failed to strike an agreement.
The latest round of the nuclear talks between the two sides was held at the level of deputy foreign ministers in Geneva, Switzerland, on January 18.
The two sides decided to continue their talk early in February.
Both Iran and the G5+1 negotiators have underlined that cutting a final deal before the July 10 deadline is possible.