EU High Representative Federica Mogherini

The European Union has anew demonstrated support for US-Iranian efforts to hammer out a deal regarding Tehran's nuclear issue affirming desire for a full-fledged accord on the file.
The renewed EU stance of support for the latest round of US-Iranian talks on the file was expressed by Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who spoke on the phone, late on Tuesday in Geneva, with US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, on their ongoing discussions.
"At this crucial stage of the negotiations, the EU is fully committed to facilitating the talks to reach a comprehensive deal. We should not miss this historical opportunity", Mogherini noted in a statement. She announced that a meeting of the G5+1 countries and Iran will take place, on March 5, at political directors' level in Montreux, Switzerland.
US and Iranian officials, led by Kerry and Zarif, held talks for the second days in Montreux, as part of the quest for a deal, basically designed to trade sanctions' lift for suspension of efforts to develop Iran's nuclear capabilities.
Washington received renewed backing from the Europeans, at a time the premier of its major ally, Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, campaigned against the forecast deal in an address to the US Congress, late on Tuesday.
The US and western powers are seeking to ensure that Iran would not develop nuclear arms, though Tehran repeatedly says it has no such schemes.