Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

A final deal on Iran's disputed nuclear program is possible with some progress achieved in recent talks, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Saturday.
"Reaching a final agreement is possible," Rouhani was quoted as saying by official IRNA news agency.
Rouhani stressed Iran's commitment to the talks and urged the P5+1 group, namely the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany, to make a final decision on the issue.
Iran and world powers have made some progress in the latest round of talks in Lausanne, Switzerland. But gaps remain on certain issues, Rouhani said without explaining either progress or gaps.
Talks will become more difficult when resumed in the next few days, Rouhani said, adding that both Iran and world powers will have to compromise in taking the final steps towards a comprehensive deal.
The West should decide on whether to continue to pressure Iran or come to agreement with the country, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said after talks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry came to a suspension on Friday.
Iranian negotiators said earlier during the talks that Sanctions against Iran and technical aspects of the nuclear program were the hardest parts of the talks, adding that Iran and the United States managed to bridge some gaps on technical issues but continue to differ on sanction.
Iran and world powers are striving to clinch a comprehensive agreement on the nuclear issue by the end of June. United States has been insisting on a political framework agreement before the final deal.
However, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is openly against signing a framework agreement, which he says could be used as a bargain chip against Iran.