Iranian parliamentarians

Iranian parliamentarians plan to present a bill with the highest degree of urgency to the floor which will require the government to suspend nuclear talks with the world powers while the US continues its threats against Tehran.

Javad Karimi Qoddousi, a member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said that "the plan will be signed by the legislators and presented to the parliament's Presiding Board tomorrow", Fars News Agency reported on Saturday.

"Based on this single-article bill, the government will be required to stop the negotiations until the Americans apologize to the Islamic Republic of Iran and end their threats," influential lawmaker said.

Karimi Qoddousi underlined that the Iranian lawmakers will not allow the superpowers to violate the Iranian nation's rights or keep the nation under threat.

The parliament's decision was announced after US Secretary of State John Kerry in an effort to improve ties with Israel over the Iran policy said recently that military action is still among possible options for Washington. Also Joe Biden, the US vice-president, repeated the same remarks later.