Israel starts annexing West Bank settlements

The Israeli Occupation Authority (IOA) started on Sunday to establish 12-kilometer-long and 30-meter-deep underground tunnels connecting the West Bank’s settlements with Israel four months prior to a previously-planned date, according to the Palestinian Information Center.

According to Israeli TV Channel Two, these tunnels are extended from Tel Aviv to Bani Barak and Ramat Gan. Israeli Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz said that eight Large excavators are going to be used in the project.  

Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper disclosed, on January, 31, 2017, the project with an estimated budget of five billion dollars. 

According to the Hebrew newspaper, the project requires developing transportation in the West Bank, digging in tunnels, construction of junctions and new road networks, and the establishment of light trains and roads for public buses in order to connect settlement compounds in the West Bank to Tel Aviv, Gush Dan and al Quds.

Source: MENA