
Israel will not become a bi-national state, its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared at Sunday's cabinet meeting, in a response to US Secretary of State John Kerry who in a speech on Saturday said the trend lines were leading in that direction.

“I want to make clear, Israel will not be a bi-national state, but in order for there to be peace, the other side also has to decide it wants peace. Unfortunately that is not what we see,” he said.

Instead, Netanyahu said, the PA continues to incite against Israel, something he said “has to stop.”

Netanyahu slammed the PA's chief negotiator Saeb Erekat for making a condolence call Saturday to the family of Mazen Aribah, a PA intelligence officer who was shot by the IDF after he shot and wounded two Israelis north of Jerusalem on Thursday.

Netanyahu said that when Erekat not only does not condemn the terrorist acts, but rather pays a condolence call on the family of a terrorist, he “gives backing and encouragement to acts of terror.” Netanyahu did not mention Erekat by name, only using his title as chief negotiator.

Kerry, speaking at the Saban Forum in Washington on Saturday, said “the truth is that many of those arguing against the PA simply don't believe in two states.”

Kerry was not the only foreign diplomat Netanyahu answered at the cabinet meeting, he also referred to comments made by Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom, who on Friday accused Israel of extrajudicial killings and of using disproportionate force in response to the current wave of terrorism.

Netanyahu condemned her comments, calling them “scandalous” and saying that “apparently she expects Israelis to present their necks to those who want to stab them. That will not happen; we will continue to protect the lives of Israeli citizens.”

Sources: MENA