Israeli forces detained at least 17 Palestinians

Israeli occupation forces stormed on Monday al Matar neighborhood near Kalandia camp, in northern al Quds city.

After storming the neighborhood, Israeli teams took photos of residential buildings, including a mosque, facing threats of demolition, according to eyewitnesses.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces detained at least 18 Palestinians in overnight raids across the West Bank, Wafa news agency quoted the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) as saying on Monday.

Israeli forces detained eight Palestinians, including three 16-year-old and two 17-year-old teens, after storming their family homes in Qalqiliya district in the northern West Bank.

Forces also raided Yaabad town, southwest of Jenin, where they detained a Palestinian and ransacked several homes.

Another Palestinian was detained from the Nablus-district town of Burin in the northern West Bank.

Source: MENA