Israeli occupation kills 2 Palestinians

Israeli occupation forces Saturday shot and killed two Palestinians at an army checkpoint near Jenin in the northern West Bank, according to the Palestinian Info and News Agency (WAFA).

Sources told WAFA that the Israeli forces shot the two men in "cold blood" at Al Hamra checkpoint and left them to bleed to death. The men were identified as 23-year-old Ali Abu Mariam, and Sa’id Abu al-Wafa, aged 38, from two villages in the Jenin area.

A Red Crescent worker in the nearby town of Tubas, Ra’ed al-Thaher, told WAFA that troops had prevented medics from aiding the men after the shooting and left them on the ground to bleed until they died.

He said soldiers were seen putting one of the bodies on a stretcher and dragging the other inside a room at the checkpoint before closing the checkpoint to traffic, Jordan's News Agency (Petra) quoted WAFA.

Source: BNA