Al-Aqsa Mosque

Chairman of the Jerusalem Affairs Department in the PLO, Ahmed Qurei, warned on Wednesday of an Israeli plan to register Muslims’ holy al-Aqsa Mosque as an Israeli state property to be officially run by the so-called Tabu (land registration) office, according to the Palestinian Info and News Agency "WAFA".
The Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage (AFEH) Foundation notified of Israeli intents to urge the future government to endorse the bid as a means to set the stage for establishing a Jewish synagogue over parts of the holy Mosque, WAFA added.
Queri considered these attempts as a "clear and direct message" that Israel will continue its violations, saying "Jewish organizations’’ practices are nothing but a reflection of the government’s policies."
The move comes after the Yishai organization, led by the fanatic rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, failed to reap the authorities’ approval of a request to enlist al-Aqsa’s overall area as an Israeli state property.
Queri said these attempts are aimed at "Judaizing" the Mosque and re-building the alleged Jewish Temple, which Jews say it was destroyed in the pre-Christ era. "This is the most serious [action taken by Israel] that jeopardizes the future of the holy city."
The Foundation also warned of an Israeli tender to build a Jewish synagogue in the eastern part of the al-Aqsa compound, between the Marwani Masjid and Bab al-Rahma
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein, also condemned these attempts, saying a "plot" is being heated against the holy site in order for Israel to take full control over it, consequently dividing it between Muslims and Jews.
The Mosque is revered by Muslims as their third holiest place after Mecca and Medina. The Mosque has been a major flashpoint for recurrent tension between Israelis and Palestinians in the past and was the catalyst of the Palestinian Second Intifada, WAFA reported.