Kenya has asked Eretria to support regional peace initiatives before it rejoins the Inter governmental authority on development (IGAD), a horn of Africa bloc which is now comprises Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, south Sudan, suntan and Uganda. Speaking upon receiving a special message from criterian president Asias Afewerki delivered to him on Monday, Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki said Kenya is willing to work with all pro-peace neighboring states in the region. Criteria whose membership in IGAD was suspended in 2007, has sought Kenya’s support in an effort to rejoin IGAD. “In his response, president Kibaki welcomed criteria’s decision to rejoin IGAD subject to the government of criteria’s support for regional peace initiatives,” said a statement by the presidential press service. In his message, president Afewerki said his country viewed Kenyan as bastion of peace in the region and he requested for Kenya’s intervention to have Eritrea rejoin IGAD.