Killing of Three Palestinians from Jerusalem, Salfit Focus of Dailies

The killing of three Palestinians by Israeli forces following a firefight and an alleged stabbing attack in Jerusalem and Salfit districts hit the front page headlines in Palestinian dailies.

The three dailies reported that three Palestinians, two young man and a teen, were shot dead by Israeli forces in Jerusalem and Salfit districts. 

Al-Quds reported in this regard that the three Palestinians, coming from the Jerusalem town of Kufr Aqab, refugee camp of Qalandiya and the Salfit village of Masha, were shot dead following two stabbing attacks and fire shooting.

Al-Ayyam noted in this regard that the three Palestinians were “executed” following alleged stabbing attack, shooting and car-ramming attempt.

In the aftermath of the alleged attacks, al-Quds and al-Ayyam reported, Israeli Prime Minister approved a series of punitive measures against Palestinians.

Al-Ayyam added in this regard that the Israeli government nevertheless admitted that there was no “magic solution” to stop attacks.

Al-Hayat Al-Jadida and al-Ayyam highlighted a Knesset bill to expel families of Palestinians suspected of alleged attacks against Israelis and efforts to accelerate the completion of the construction of the wall.

The dailies also highlighted President Mahmoud Abbas’ meeting with United States Vice President Joe Biden in Ramallah.

Abbas was reported in the three dailies as stating: “ongoing dictates, settlements and the consolidation of Israeli occupation are the causes of violence and bloodshed.”

Biden was reported in al-Ayyam as saying that stopping violence “cannot and will not be done just by physical force.”

Furthermore, the three dailies covered French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault’s visit to Cairo and his initiative to revive blockaded Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations.

Ayrault was quoted in al-Quds and al-Ayyam as stating that his country won’t “automatically” recognize the Palestinian state should the new initiative fails.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida reported in this regard that the French initiative is intended to revive the deadlocked peace talks by summer 2016.

Echoing the French bid to revive talks, al-Quds reported the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov as calling for an international initiative to assess the situation in the occupied Palestinian Territories.

Highlighting Israeli assaults and violations against Palestinians, al-Quds reported that dozens of settlers forced their way into Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and that Israeli member Knesset Avigdor Lieberman toured Jerusalem’s Old City.

Al-Ayyam reported that Israeli forces detained a Palestinian who ran over an Israeli settler about four months ago near al-Fawar junction.

Source: WAFA