MK Haneen Zoabi

Ethics Committee is expected to severely punish MK Haneen Zoabi in the next few days and sources in coalition say her comments could help bill allowing MKs to be removed to turn into law, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Thursday.

Following a stormy Knesset session that resulted in MK Haneen Zoabi's removal from the plenum on Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he is working to advance her expulsion from the legislature.

A clash broke out at the Knesset plenum on Wednesday when Zoabi (Joint List) called Israeli soldiers who participated in the takeover of the 2010 Gaza flotilla "murderers." Her comments took place during a session on the reconciliation agreement with Turkey, formally announced a day earlier.

"I spoke again this evening with the attorney general to consider advancing the process of expelling Haneen Zoabi from the Knesset. In her actions and her lies, she's crossed every line and she has no place in the Knesset," Netanyahu said.

Coalition members assessed Wednesday evening that the clash with Zoabi in the Knesset would give strong tailwind to move forward with the so-called suspension bill, giving it a substantial push before the end of the summer session. In an unusual occurrence, the bill, which would allow the Knesset to remove a sitting Knesset member, is being led by the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee of the Knesset. The committee is expected to renew discussions on the subject next week.

Meanwhile, the Ethics Committee is expected to severely punish Zoabi in the next few days. Two MKs, Nahman Shai (Zionist Union) and Amir Ohana (Likud) have already submitted complaints against her to the committee that is authorized to punish MKs over their conduct.

Source : MENA