Hunger Strike

The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) reported that all Palestinian political prisoners in the Israeli prisons of Nafha, Ramon, Negev and Hadarim will go on hunger strike this Tuesday, as a warning measure that could be followed by extended strikes. 
The PPS said the detainees will be striking in solidarity with the political prisoners who are already striking, including Bilal Kayed, who entered his second month of a hunger strike, demanding his release after he served his 14.5-year prison sentence, and Israel decided to keep him imprisoned under arbitrary Administrative Detention orders, without charges or trial, according to the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC). 
It added that the detainees are also demanding the Prison Administration to void its illegal decision denying family visits, and the decision to bar them from watching Maan TV and Palestine TV. 
On its part, the Palestinian Detainees' Committee, said the move is a natural and logical response, as the soldiers continue to violate their rights, subject them to harsh conditions and frequent assaults. 
It added that these violations have recently witnessed a very serious escalation, not only against the detainees, but also against their families who are being harassed and turned away on military roadblocks while trying to visit them.

Source : QNA