Palestinian Foreign Ministry

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned Thursday in the strongest terms the ongoing Israeli settlement policies and plots, welcoming the wide-spread denunciations by several countries and international bodies against the Israeli incursion into the Palestinian territories. 

Israel's settlement expansion will eliminate all available opportunities for reaching a two-state solution, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

It called on the Quartet on the Middle East and the UN Security Council to bear their responsibilities for what is happening in Palestine and take UN resolutions to force Israel to immediately halt the establishment of settlement units and abide by the international law, the statement added. 

It’s time for the international community to put an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and punish it for all its violations and its disregard of the international law, the statement read.

Meanwhile, Israeli occupation forces closed the doors of the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron before Palestinian worshipers under the pretext of celebrating their Jewish holidays.

Source: MENA