Israeli security forces stand next to the body of a Palestinian man

 A Palestinian rammed his car into Israeli soldiers at a bus station in the occupied West Bank Friday before being shot dead, police said.

"A Palestinian car hit two Israelis standing by a bus station (near Kfar Adumim). The terrorist was neutralised," police said.

They later confirmed the suspect had died and the army said the two Israelis were soldiers.

Israel's Magen David Adom emergency medical service said the two soldiers were taken to hospital in Jerusalem conscious and with light to moderate wounds.

A senior police officer said the Palestinian exited his car and started to run after hitting the soldiers, before he was shot dead by a civilian.

Kfar Adumim is an Israeli settlement northeast of Jerusalem.

Police identified the Palestinian as Fadi Hassib, from Ramallah, whose brother was shot dead on Sunday after ramming his car into Israelis before charging at them with a knife.

Friday's incident raises the number of Palestinians killed since October 1 to 98, including an Israeli Arab.

Over half of them have been alleged perpetrators of stabbing, shooting and car ramming attacks aimed at Israeli civilians and security forces. Others have died in clashes with security forces.

The violence has also left 17 Israelis, an American and an Eritrean dead.

Attempts to ease the tensions, including a visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday, have so far proved unsuccessful.

Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, has called a day of rage for Friday
Source: AFP