Palestinian protestors

 Palestinian protestors on Friday called on the international peace conference scheduled to be held in Paris on Sunday to make influential decisions that end the Israeli military occupation of their territories.

Dozens of Palestinian demonstrators, who joined the anti-wall and anti-settlement weekly protests, carried banners calling on Paris peace conference to make effective decisions that end the Israeli occupation.

Walid Assaf, chairman of the corporation to resist the Israeli wall and settlement in the West Bank, said at the rally that the Palestinians count on Paris conference to end the occupation of the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel in 1967.

Around 72 countries representatives will attend the peace conference as well as five worldwide organizations; the European Union, the United Nations, the Arab League, and two other African and Islamic organizations.

Israel opposed the conference and decided not to join it, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insisted that the only way to resolve the conflict is through direct bilateral peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

However, nine months of direct talks between the two sides sponsored by the United States ended in April 2014, without making any significant progress, mainly in thorny issues like settlements, security and borders.

Assaf called on the peace conference to make decisions that lead to the implementation of the recent United Nations Security Council 2334 that condemned settlement and called on Israel to stop it.

During the protest, clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the Israeli soldiers near the West Bank city of Qalqilia. Palestinian medical sources said that two Palestinians were injured when the soldiers dispersed them by fire and tear gas.

source: Xinhua