Israeli bulldozers are seen at a construction site of new houses in the West Bank Jewish settlement of Ariel

A Palestinian stabbed two security guards at an Israeli settlement in the West Bank on Thursday and was shot dead, Israeli police said.

The incident occurred at an entrance to an industrial zone at the Ariel settlement, the largest in the north of the occupied West Bank.

It was the latest in a wave of attacks that began in October.

Both of the victims were left with moderate wounds, police said. Palestinian security sources said the attacker's body was with Israeli authorities and they were not yet able to identify him.

While such stabbings have become less frequent in recent weeks, they have continued despite increased Israeli security measures.

On Wednesday at the main tourist entrance to Jerusalem's Old City, an Israeli was stabbed to death and another killed, seemingly by a stray police bullet as officers shot dead the two Palestinian assailants.

A third Israeli was wounded in the stabbing.

The attack at the Old City's Jaffa Gate came at a time of increased visits to the Holy Land for the Christmas season.

A wave of violence since the start of October has claimed the lives of 126 on the Palestinian side, 19 Israelis, an American and an Eritrean.

Many of the Palestinians killed have been attackers while others have been shot dead by Israeli security forces during clashes.

A number of them have attempted attacks with kitchen knives in what some analysts have described as virtual suicide missions.

Palestinians have grown frustrated with Israel's occupation, the complete lack of progress in peace efforts and their own fractured leadership.
Source: AFP