Since October 1, Palestinian knife, gun and car-ramming attacks have killed 27 Israelis

A 16-year-old Palestinian tried to stab an Israeli soldier in the occupied West Bank on Sunday and was shot dead, Israel's army said, the latest incident in a nearly five-month wave of violence.

The attack occurred at the Bitot Junction south of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

"A Palestinian attacker attempted to stab an (Israeli) soldier at the Bitot Junction," the army said. "The force responded to the imminent danger, thwarting the attack and firing towards the assailant, resulting in his death."

Palestinian security sources identified the Palestinian as Qusay Abu al-Rub, 16 and from the town of Qabatiya.

Since October 1, Palestinian knife, gun and car-ramming attacks have killed 27 Israelis, an American and an Eritrean, according to an AFP count.

At the same time, 176 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces. Many of the Palestinians killed were carrying out attacks, while others were shot dead during protests and clashes.

Some analysts say Palestinian frustration with Israeli occupation and settlement building in the West Bank, the complete lack of progress in peace efforts and their own fractured leadership have fed the unrest.

Israel blames incitement by Palestinian leaders and media as a main cause of the violence.

Ten of the Palestinians left dead in the current wave of violence have come from Qabatiya, including three behind a gun and knife attack in early February that killed a border policewoman.

Israeli forces imposed a four-day lockdown on the village following the February 3 attack outside Jerusalem's Old City.

Qabatiya has a long history of what Palestinians call resistance against Israeli forces.

Separately on Sunday, a Palestinian was arrested while allegedly attempting to stab an Israeli soldier east of the West Bank city of Hebron, near the village of Bani Naim.

Palestinian security sources confirmed a 15-year-old was arrested in the area.
Source :AFP