palestinian prisoners

Palestinian institutions on Thursday held a comprehensive general strike in response to the Prisoners committees call for solidarity with prisoners, who today entered their 11th day of collective hunger strike.

The strike includes all sectors except for health sector, tawjihi class and bakeries. This precceeds an expected day of rage, where protests and demonstrations will take place on Friday.
On 17 April, about 1500 detainees in the Israeli jails launched their open hunger strike to regain their rights, represented in ending the policy of administrative detention, solitary confinement and the prevention of lawyer and family visits and other legal demands.

Two days ago, the Detainees and Ex-Detainees commission announced the health deterioration for many detainees, including leader Marwan Barghouthi, Maslama Thabet, Muhammad Abed-rabu and Amjad Al-namoura.