Sheikh Raed Salah

Leader of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement, Sheikh Raed Salah, was released from prison Tuesday morning. 
Salah began serving a nine-month jail sentence in May of 2016 following his conviction last March on charges of incitement. 
He is barred from leaving Israel for the next six months. 
On the other hand, Israeli navy opened gunfire at Palestinian fishing boats while sailing off Gaza shore on Tuesday, according to local sources. 
Several Palestinian fishing boats were sailing within four nautical miles from al-Sudaniya in northern Gaza when Israeli navy opened fire at them causing damage to at least one boat and forcing fishermen to go back to coast. 
There were no reports of injuries. 
This came only a day after the Israeli navy detained five Palestinian fishermen after seizing their boats in the same area. 
Fishermen and fishing boats in Gaza are targeted by the Israeli navy on daily basis, which makes it hard for them to make a living.

Source: QNA