Chief Amos Yadlin

Israel's former military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin said the United States and Israel should work out a bilateral, parallel agreement in response to the Iran nuclear deal, the World Tribune reported Monday.

Yadlin said in a paper published at the International Institute of National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv, that a parallel agreement "should provide a suitable response to future dangers inherent in the agreement with Iran."

"The agreement signed between the P5+1 and Iran is very problematic for Israel," Yadlin said, adding that it appears US President Barack Obama will be successful in getting the deal through Congress.

"Though convinced that the agreement entails potential dangers for Israel, I stand by my previous position, namely, that the Israeli government should avoid interfering in the United States internal debate about this very charged issue. I therefore call on Netanyahu to take measures now toward formulation of a 'parallel agreement' between Israel and the United States that mitigates" the Iran deal's weak points, Yadlin wrote.

The ex-intel chief said a parallel agreement should "specify what constitutes a significant breach of the nuclear agreement, detailing the nature and scope of the response to that breach."

Yadlin said the US.and Israel should also be dedicated to increased intelligence cooperation, and "efforts to close the gaps expected in the verification regime imposed by the IAEA in Iran."

Also, the parallel agreement "will have to enhance intelligence and operational cooperation to prevent Iranian nuclear development outside of Iran, as well as a nuclear arms race in other Middle East states," Yadlin wrote.

"This goal will best be achieved by removing Assad's murderous regime in Syria – an Iranian strategic asset of the highest degree – and by weakening Hizbullah through the interdiction of its weapon transfers and the undermining of its activities in Lebanon and Syria," Yadlin added.
Source: MENA