Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran is resolved to continue negotiations with the six major world powers to find a win-win solution to the more than decade-long nuclear standoff with the West as soon as possible, FARS News Agency reported.
“We have arrived at sensitive times. Iran has shown enough flexibility in the negotiations and it is the turn of the other party to take the final steps now,” Rouhani said in a phone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday night.
Rouhani also stressed in his phone call with Merkel that any deal should result in lifting the sanctions because, he said, “The main aim of the deal is to forge trust between the two sides.”
The Iranian president also noted, “We have always been after a win-win deal which would serve the interests of all the parties.”
Iran and Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) started their new round of talks in Lausanne on Thursday.
The seven nations are negotiating to narrow their differences over Tehran's nuclear energy program ahead of a July 1 deadline.