Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that there is a possibility for normalization in Ukraine through implementing Minsk agreement.
When asked if there would be a war between Russia and Ukraine, Putin said in an interview with Russian television, that he thinks "that such an apocalyptic scenario is unlikely and I hope this will never happen." The Russian leader added that there is contact between him and the Ukrainian counterpart, criticizing what he described "Kiev's accusations against Russia and blaming it for the unrest in Ukraine.
However, Putin also said he did not see the need for another meeting with France, Germany and Ukraine on resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, stressing on the level of trust between his country and France and Germany which he described as good, despite some doubts.
Last week, the UN Security Council adopted unanimously resolution 2202 endorsing Minsk agreements, calling on all parties for full implementation including comprehensive ceasefire in Ukraine.
The resolution stressed that the situation in eastern regions of Ukraine can only be tackled through a peaceful settlement to the current crisis.