South Korea's parliament

The South Korea's National Assembly adopted a resolution Tuesday, denouncing Japan's repeated claims to South Korea's easternmost islets of Dokdo.

The resolution passed with 181 votes out of 182 in the plenary session. It was drafted and approved last week by a special parliamentary committee aimed at countering history distortion attempts in the Northeast Asian region, according to South Korea's (Yonhap) News Agency.

"(The parliament) strongly denounces Japan's repeated provocations of violating South Korea's territorial sovereignty and distorting history," it said.

The resolution comes amid souring Seoul-Tokyo diplomatic relations over history and territorial issues stemming from Japan's 1910-45 colonization of the Korean Peninsula.

Earlier this month, Japan approved more middle-school textbooks that claim ownership of the South Korean islets, rekindling a long-running diplomatic feud over Dokdo.