Threats of extremism reinforce need to resolve Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Threats of terrorism and extremism in the Middle East reinforce the need to pursue a two-state solution in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Russian Ambassador to the European Union (EU) Vladimir Chizhov was quoted by TASS news agency as saying on Wednesday.

"The Palestinian-Israeli conflict should not be forgotten among other recent dangerous developments," Chizhov said told a roundtable on Russia’s foreign policy in the Middle East at the European Policy Center in Brussels.

"On the contrary, threats of terrorism, sectarian extremism and radicalization in the Middle East reinforce the need to pursue a negotiated two-state solution that meets Israeli security concerns and Palestinian aspirations for statehood and sovereignty. The two-state solution must be kept afloat - both for the sake of peaceful future of the two peoples and for better atmosphere in the broader region," he added.

EU and Russia will hold talks on fighting against terrorism in mid-February in Brussels, Chizhov noted adding that Russia will be represented by Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov.

Source: MENA