Israeli settlement activities on Palestinian land

 In a new attempt to legitimate the Israeli settlement activities and confiscating Palestinian land, the Israeli Knesset endorsed  in the third and final reading the so-called Israeli bill settlement in the Judea and Samaria -2,017, which allows confiscating Palestinian lands to establish settlements, and to impose sovereignty over the West Bank, as well as allowing the confiscation of more than 8183 donums owned by the Palestinians, on which settlement outposts were built and to retroactively legitimize 3921 housing units illegally built on them.

The settlement Bill was met by a wide international condemnation and the United Nations considered it as a violation of all the red lines, while the US administration in its recent comment considered it as not serving the peace process and reduces the chances of approaching towards the 2-state solution. In Israel itself, Human Rights Organizations announced its intention to appeal against the law as it is a blatant defiance of the 2334 resolution issued by the Security Council with regard to settlement, Jerusalem and the legitimacy and international resolutions and laws that prevent the occupation from transferring its citizens to a land it occupied and consider it a war crime, under which the leaders of occupation shall be prosecuted and trialed.

Since Trump took office as the president of the United States of America and until the moment of the approval of the law, Israel has announced to build more than 6,000 housing units in the Jerusalem and other Palestinian governorates of the West Bank. 2 days after the ratification of law, the so-called sub-committee for the Council of Planning Settlement Affairs affiliated to the so-called Civil Administration approved the construction of 1162 housing units across the occupied West Bank, in addition to 181 housing units in the settlements of Gilo, and Ramat Shlomo in occupied East Jerusalem, bringing the number of bids to more than 7,000 housing units exceeding what has been built on 2016.

Within the, context, settlers who were evacuated from the Amona outpost decided to shift to the settlement of’ Giullac Zion ‘in the settlement bloc’ Shilo ‘which fall within the Regional Council of settlement’ MATI Beniaman, which is a Palestinian land designated by the occupation as a  state land located between the villages of Qarioth, Talfit Sawiya, Tormosaia and Liban Al-Sharqeia, which includes several settlements, including Shiloh, Eli , Rachel and Maalih Libonah.  It also includes about 10 outposts, including Giullac Zion, which is considered as youth hills’ settlement. According to the schemes examined by the Civil Administration, it has approved a resolution to establish a new settlement on 600 donums of the Jalud village’s land south-east of Nablus, near Shvut Rachel that was built on Palestinian agricultural land.

Within the context  of the confiscation of lands, the Israeli occupation government began to erect a security wall around the Hebron city, as the Israeli army ended the construction of sections of the separation wall 10 kilometers away to the south of Hebron.  The construction process will continue until the end of this year extended to a distance of about 42 kilometers starting from Tarqumia crossing down to the Maître crossing, along the 35-settler road.

The following Violations were documented by the National Bureau over the last week:


The Planning and Building Committee at the occupation municipality in Jerusalem approved the building of 46 new housing units in the settlement of Gilo, and 112 housing units in the settlement of Ramat Shlomo since Trump took office.
Settlers captured a 30-sq.m room and a yard with an area of ​​50 sq.m owned by the Jerusalemite, Izzat Salah. Settlers also stormed 200 sq.m stores known as Al-Yakhorat owned by Qaraeen family
The IOF machines bulldozed a Palestinian commercial facility at the French Hill area of ​​the occupied city of Jerusalem for the 2nd time within 3 months. Moreover, occupation municipality’s vehicles in Jerusalem stormed the Harhash Vehicles Exhibition established in 2006, and evacuated the place of all the vehicle there, and started bulldozing the area, worth mentioning here that the Harhash got a license in 2008, where the Israeli municipality tries to confiscate since 2012, in order to construct a parking for settlers, who come to the park of the French Hill. On Dec. 19th, 2016, the IOF also demolished part of the exhibition offices.
In another aspect of Judization, the Israeli Reconciliation Court issued a resolution to seize bank accounts of members of the Dweik family in Silwan in return for a rent for the land in which they reside in under the pretext that the land on which their homes are built, owned by Ateret Cohanim Settlement Association. The seized accounts were about NIS 652,000; the Association tries to confiscate 5,200 sq m in the area, claiming that it was owned by Yemeni Jews in 1881.

Israeli occupation forces distributed orders to confiscate about 274.5 donums west of Ramallah. The orders were found by Palestinian citizens near Beit Ur al Fawqa at a Israeli occupation military checkpoint adjacent to the 443 occupational road.

Settlers of Sedi Boaz outpost uprooted and stole of nearly 400 olive seedlings in Al-Khadir town, south of Bethlehem, and stole. Moreover, a settler ran over an old man named Suleiman Hamad , 85 from Al-Khadir town, near Daniel Settlement.

Israeli settlers uprooted about 700 olive and almond saplings from the Burqa village northwest of Nablus, located near the Homesh settlement that was evacuated area since 2005. Palestinian citizens confronted with them and tried to prevent them, but settlers reacted aggressively and broke glasses of their vehicles.  Besides, hundreds of settlers stormed the village of Awarta, 8 km southeast of Nablus under the protection of Israeli army. They buldozed 15 donums near Jaloud village and confiscated 600 donums there in addition to 150 donums of Turmosaia town.

A group of settlers from Brochan settlement near Salafit.o town bulldozed a land belongs to Bruqin for further settlement. Moreover, the Israeli occupation authorities handed over notification orders to uproot olive trees, and to remove stone chains at Wadi Qana, and they gave citizen Moqbil Moh’d Awad order to uproot 61 olive trees, a water tank and 70 meters of stone chains to de bulldozed soon, another order to Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Qadir Aqel that includes the removal of stone chains and uprooting a number of olive trees.
Jordan Valley: 10 facilities were seized or demolished in the area. As, settlers continued attacks against Palestinian shepherds in the Jordan Valley to drive them away, and to erect barracks there. The Occupation army seized 3 excavators and vehicles, while paving agriculture road between Bardala and Khirbet Abziq in the northern Jordan Valley, besides seizing a vehicle owned by Hussein An-Nimer, while paving a road financed by the European Union, under the pretext of being in the C areas. 

Source :PNN