Russian Foreign Ministry

Further extension of Washington’s anti-Russian sanctions will not be unanswered, Russian foreign ministry pledged on Friday.

"Having imposed new sanctions against Russian citizens and companies, the United Nations has once again demonstrated that it has opted for tougher confrontation," the ministry said. "Keeping on motivating such steps by the situation in Ukraine, Washington continues to exercise in expanding the anti-Russian sanction campaign instead of pushing Kiev towards implementation of the Minsk agreements."
In this connection, the Russian foreign ministry recommend "to think that such provocative actions not only ruin the Russian-US relations but hamper cooperation in solving other global problems," the ministry said.

"Naturally, we cannot but react to such policy," the Russian foreign ministry stressed.

On Thursday, Washington extended the list of Russian citizens and companies subject to unilateral economic sanctions over the situation in Ukraine. The new extension is applicable to 11 individuals and 15 legal entities.