US Under Secretary Wendy Sherman

U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman along with a negotiating team are to travel to Montreux, Switzerland Monday to join Secretary of State John Kerry in meeting with Iranian officials to continue talks on the Iranian nuclear issue, the State Department announced on Saturday.
"These bilateral consultations take place in the context of the P5+1 nuclear negotiations with Iran and, thus, include Deputy Secretary General for the EU's External Action Service Helga Schmid and her team," the State Department said in a statement.
"At the request of Secretary Kerry, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz will travel to Montreux to join in the negotiations," the statement added.
Both sides have set a March 31 deadline to complete negotiations, which began in November 2013.
While Iran says it only wants to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and has a right to do so, world powers are trying to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb.