New striker of RAF Rabat Mohamed Faqih

New striker of RAF Rabat Mohamed Faqih expressed his pleasure for joining the Moroccan team, saying that he decided to join the team despite the increasing offers he received since the latest season. He stressed that the major reason behind his decision to join RAF Rabat is his aspiration to win championships.

He expressed his aspirations to win the league during the coming season, saying that the players will exert their efforts to win the championship and to meet the aspirations of their fans in all over the Arab world. He stressed his confidence that the team will achieve its goals during the coming season.

He expressed his appreciation to the coaching staff, saying that he works seriously to meet their expectations during the coming period. He praised the approach they adopt in dealing with the players, saying that they deal with the players in professional way.

The player called the fans to express their support for the players during the coming period, saying that the players need their support to be able to perform well during the coming season.