Member of Egyptian Zamalek’s board Ahmed Mortada Mansour

Member of Egyptian Zamalek’s board Ahmed Mortada Mansour revealed that he held a meeting with the football team’s coach Augusto Inacio, saying that they discussed a number of issues related to the football team during the current critical period. He described the meeting as very positive.
He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the board plans to win the coming three tournaments, including CAF Champions League, Arab Tournament and Egyptian Cup. He stressed that the team’s coach praised the performance of Zamalek’s players during the current period.
Ahmed Mortada told “Arab Today” that, the club will try hard to win this championship to make up with the fans, and it will also try to win the Cup and the African Champions League. He added that, the game maker Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kahraba received offers from Saudi Arabia, UAE and a verbal one from Qatar, and the board is currently studying all the offers. Kahraba suffers from a small injury and he will participate in the training the next week.
He clarified that they discussed the details of the team’s journey to Tunisia to play the coming match against Ahli Tripoli in the framework of the group stage of CAF Champions League on Tuesday. He added that the coach has not submitted any demands over the players who join the team during the coming season.