Tehran - FNA
The Chicago Fire Department confirmed 11 people were shot in the 1800 block of W. 51st Street on Chicago\'s South Side. One of the victims is a 3-year-old child who was shot in the face, the source said on Thursday night, and added that four of the victims were in critical condition. All were transported to area hospitals. The attack took place about 10:15 p.m. and fire officials called an Emergency Medical Services Plan II, sending at least 10 ambulances to the scene, the Voice of Russia reported. The shootings appeared to have taken place on a basketball court on the 51st Street side of Cornell Square Park near Wood Street. Ambulances are still responding about half an hour after the shootings took place, as injured people are still being brought out of the park on stretchers, the report added. About 60 police officers were on the scene. Police were investigating, but no suspect was in custody.