14 ISIS Militants Killed in Northern Syria

A total of 14 ISIS militants were killed in northern Syria over the last 24 hours as part of Turkish-backed Operation Euphrates Shield, the Turkish military said Saturday. 
The Turkish Armed Forces also hit 197 ISIS targets in northern Syria, said a Turkish General Staff statement on the 158th day of the operation. 
In a weekly report issued on Saturday, the army said it neutralized 2,156 ISIS and 321 PKK/PYD militants since the beginning of the operation, state news agency Anadolu Agency reported. 
In addition, 3,282 improvised explosives and 55 mines were destroyed and 1,332 positions hit by Turkish Air Forces, the report said. 
Operation Euphrates Shield began in late August to tighten border security, eliminate the terror threat along Turkish borders.

Source: QNA