Kennebunkport - UPI
Two Maine boat-building school students were still missing Sunday, nearly four days after they were last seen drinking with friends, police said. Zachary Wells, 21, and Prescott Wright, 23, students at Landing Boat School in Kennebunkport, were last seen about midnight Thursday, reported. They had been socializing with a few friends, police told the news website. Wells is described as white, 5-foot-8, about 150 pounds, with black hair, hazel eyes and a surgical scar on his neck. Wright is described as a white,6-foot-4, about 200 pounds, brown hair and blue eyes. Kennebunkport Police Chief Craig Sanford said a resident of the home went to bed and some of the other friends left for the evening. The pair disappeared sometime before 4 a.m. when a resident of the home noticed they were gone, and they didn\'t show up for classes Thursday or Friday. \"We have no idea how they left, or why,\" Sanford said. \"The whole thing is perplexing to us. \"We currently do not have hard facts to support the men going into the water at this time. Because of the residence being in close proximity to the water, we felt it prudent to ask for the search of that area.\" The chief said the men may have been intoxicated. No vehicles were missing from the residence and no foul play was suspected, he said.