Massive Masssacre in Syria :ISIS

22 ISIS terrorists have been killed and more than 40 terrorist targets have been destroyed by airstrikes as part of Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield in al-Bab, northern Syria, Turkish military said on Thursday.

According to the statement of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), 160 positions belonging to the terrorists have been shelled, destroying defense positions, shelters and command facilities, as well as weapons and vehicles.

A total of 29 shelters, three headquarters, an ammunition depot, three arms-laden and two bomb-laden vehicles were destroyed by the airstrikes, which killed a total of 22 terrorists.

Meanwhile, explosive ordinance disposal teams have destroyed a total of 2845 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) since the beginning of the operation, the military added.

Turkey launched Operation Euphrates Shield in August 2016 to eliminate terrorist organizations along its border with Syria and support coalition forces.

Source :Morocco World News