Share Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on linkedinShare on googleShare on emailMore Sharing Services London: Three British Muslims including a convert to Islam pleaded guilty in court on Friday to travelling to Pakistan for terror training. Richard Dart, 29, Imran Mahmood, 21, and Jahangir Alom, 26, appeared by video-link before a judge at the Old Bailey, England\'s central criminal court. The charges said they travelled to Pakistan for terror training, travelled abroad to commit acts of terrorism and provided information about travel to Pakistan, terrorism training and operational security while there. The three men were arrested in July 2011. Dart once featured in a BBC documentary made by his stepbrother after he converted to Islam and was said to have changed his name to Salahuddin al-Britani. The son of teachers from the southwestern county of Dorset, Dart reportedly formerly worked as a police support officer and a BBC security guard.