Oct. 9 incident in northern Myanmar

A total of 69 attackers were killed during area clearance operations between Oct. 9 and Feb. 9 in northern Myanmar, according to statistics of the State Counselor's office released on Sunday.

About 20 clashes between government security forces and the attackers occurred during the period following the Oct. 9 incident.

During the clashes, the attackers killed 13 civilians and burned down 10 houses.

A total of 585 attackers have been arrested and some are under investigation. Among them, 39 are facing trials for killing people, destroying public property and communicating with illegal organizations.

The Myanmar military has claimed the end of area clearance operations on Friday and is currently cooperating with police to maintain stability and rule of law in the area.

Three border outposts in Maungtaw, Rakhine state came under violent attack by armed men on Oct. 9 last year, in which 10 policemen and seven soldiers were killed.

A dusk-to-dawn curfew has been imposed in Maungtaw since Oct. 10 but the curfew hours have been relaxed since Feb. 10.

Following the Oct. 9 incident, the government formed a 13-member investigation commission, led by Vice President U Myint Swe, to probe into the background of the Oct. 9 violent attack.

The commission released an interim report on Jan. 4, exposing that the armed attack in Maungtaw was conducted by Havid Tuhar-led Aqa Mul Mujahidin linked with Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) operating in the region.

source: Xinhua