A Yemeni woman reacts at the site of a bomb attack that targeted Yemeni forces in Aden's Khormaksar

 A bomb at Sanaa University killed a gardener and wounded at least two students on Tuesday, police and medical sources said, in a relatively rare attack on the Houthi-ruled Yemeni capital.

A police official at the scene said the explosion appeared to have targeted an exhibition organised by the Houthi's Ansarullah group, which controls most of northern Yemen. 

No one has claimed responsibility for the bombing.

Militants have exploited Yemen's 14-month civil war which has pitted Houthis against supporters of President Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi, who is backed by a Saudi Arab coalition, to strike at both sides at will.

The warring parties, pushed by the common threat posed by the emboldened militants, have been trying to resolve their differences at UN-sponsored peace talks in Kuwait.

Despite the conflict, there have been relatively few recent attacks in Sanaa. IS said it carried out an attack on a mosque in Sanaa last October that killed seven people.

Officials at the main hospital in Sanaa said the gardener, who they did not name, died of injuries sustained in the explosion.

Source: Timesofoman