a militant website, which has been verified and is consistent with other AP reporting, young boys known as the "lion cubs" hold rifles and Islamic State group flags as they exercise at a training camp in Tal Afar, near Mosul, northern Iraq.

One of Daesh’s unsurprising tactics is to focus on selecting unmarried young people to join the terrorist organization’s ranks, considering that they are free and have nothing to distract them from committing full-time to the terrorist ideology or to carrying out its criminal operations.
On Monday, the Ministry of Interior announced that it thwarted several terrorist operations, stressing that “no member of terrorist operations will slip through the grip of Saudi security services, regardless of attempts to disguise or hide their acts or lure people into joining these organizations.”
Maj. Gen. Bassem Attiya from the Ministry of Interior said that a recent report revealed that most of those arrested on charges of terrorism are Saudi nationals; 76 percent are single and 13 percent are unemployed. The rest have stable financial situations, no criminal records and one even holds a postgraduate certificate.
He said figures confirm that Daesh does not in fact target the poor, but rather those with academic qualifications from the middle class, which means that the challenge it poses is ideological and not economic in nature. 
The ministry confirmed pre-emptive security strikes prove that Daesh and other terrorist organizations, despite their efforts, will not be able to undermine Saudi Arabia’s security, despite their tools and the temptations they use to lure weak single youths.

Source: Arab News