Washington - UPI
Sen. Dianne Feinstein is set assume the role of Senate Judiciary Committee chairwoman, shifting the leadership position from left to the center, The Hill says. Immigration reform and gun control likely will be the two top issues before the panel next year, The Hill said Wednesday. The Hill said the current chairman, Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., will likely lead the Senate Appropriations Committee. Leahy told reporters he hadn\'t yet made up his mind, but would announce his decision within 24 hours. The National Journal ranked Feinstein, D-Calif., as more conservative than Leahy. She has sided with Republicans on big issues, including the Iraq war in 2002. However, Feinstein has sided with liberals on U.S. Supreme Court appointments. But Senate Democratic aides say the biggest difference between Leahy and Feinstein is their opinions on gun control, a high-profile issue on the administration agenda in the wake of Friday\'s massacre in Newtown, Conn., and earlier assaults this year, including the Aurora, Colo., theater shooting. Feinstein recently said she would introduce legislation to reinstate the federal assault-weapons ban. Leahy has a mixed record on gun control.